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In the broadest sense, my research concerns the way we speak and reason under uncertainty. My current research focuses heavily on uncertainty, contradiction, and disagreement within dynamic semantics. My project is fairly interdisciplinary and engages literature in logic, philosophy of language, epistemology, and philosophy of science. It is perhaps best viewed as part of a larger program in theoretical linguistics and cognitive science. Somewhat separately, but in the same vein, I also maintain research interests concerning inductive inference, epistemology, and philosophy of science.
"Context, Consistency, and Non-Contradiction". Australasian Journal of Philosophy. Forthcoming.
Synopsis: I explain and defend failures of Non-Contradiction in dynamic semantics. [Journal] [Preprint]
"Dynamic 'Might' and Correct Belief". Inquiry. Forthcoming.
Synopsis: I provide correctness conditions for dynamic contents. [Journal] [Preprint]' and Correct Belief
"A Tale of Two Nortons". Studies in History and Philosophy of Science, Part A. 83 28-35, 2020.
Synopsis: I critique the material theory of induction. [Journal] [Preprint]
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